This is the classic basic recipe I use to make normal cookies when I don’t have a lot of time, very simple but with a good result, that I change depending on my needs. Surely this is not a good sweet for diet; this is pure delicacy.
Time of cooking
25 minutes
1 baking tray of biscuits
What did I use
oven paper, a cutting board, a knife, a large bowl, baking trays
Butter: 100 gr
Sugar (half brown half white): 180 gr
Chocolate (half milk chocolate half dark chocolate): about 100 gr
Almond extract (or vanilla extract, depending on what you like the most): few drops
Baking powder: 8 gr
00 Flour: 220 gr
How did I do
I reheated the oven at 180°C.
I mixed all the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder and sugar).
I added softened butter cut in pieces and I started to knead.
I added egg and almond or vanilla extract and I continued to knead.
Finally I added the chocolate, roughly chopped.
I formed little balls with hands and I pressed them on the baking tray with oven paper (remembering not to put them too near between each other because they are grow during the cooking!)
I cooked in the oven for about 13 minutes (or until they resulted well brown on the surface.)
I served cold.
Buon appetito!