Rosemary’s little focaccias

Fast and super soft focaccias to eat alone or to full as one wants! Also for people intolerant to lactose and for vegan people.

Time of cooking

30 minutes + growing


8 focaccias


Dry baking powder for bread : 5 gr

Flour 300 gr


Sugar 5 gr

Minced rosemary

Olive oil 2 spoons

Hot water 1 dl

What did I use

A baking tray, a sheet of oven paper, a bowl, a rag, a knife

How did I do

I mixed everything but the rosemary by hands adding water if necessary. The dough was soft and smooth.

I formed a ball and let it grow covered by the damp rag for an hour.

I divided the dough in 8 little balls , I added rosemary in each of them and I put them on the baking tray with oven paper and let them stand covered by the rag for another half an hour.

I cooked at 200°C for 20 minutes more or less, until they got brown on the surface.

Buon appetito!

Rosemary’s little focaccias

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