Buttery and sugary french biscuits: a recipe that is perfect to satisfy and surprise relatives and friends who come visiting, simple to prepare and yummy to eat.
Time of preparation
1 hour
What did I use
a large bowl, plastic wrap, a mould for biscuits/a glass, a dish, a brush, a baking tray, baking paper
80 gr of sugar
100 gr of butter
1 egg yolk
140 gr of 00 flour
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (not necessary)
1 egg yolk for the surface
How did I do
I whipped the butter with the sugar until I obtained a creamy and smooth dough, I added the yolk and the vanilla and I mixed well.
I added the flour and I kneaded until I obtained a compact dough. I formed a pressed ball, I covered it with the plastic wrap and I put it in the fridge for half an hour.
I stretched the dough, more or less 3 mm thick.
I cut the biscuits with the mould/the glass.
I put them on the baking tray cover with baking paper.
I beat the yolk and I painted all the biscuits with it, then, with the knife, I pressed on the surface creating a lattice of lines.
I cooked the galettes bretonnes in pre-heated oven at 170°C for about 12 minutes, until well brownish on the surface.
I let them cool completely and I served them. They are perfect served with a cup of hot tea.
Buon appetito!