These vegetarian burgers are full of energy and high-protein. I prepared them for myself few hours before an intenste workout. They’re super tasty, crunchy outside and creamy inside. One can make them vegan as well.
Time of preparation
about 30 minutes
What did I use
a large bowl, a little non-stick pot, a non-stick spoon, a non-stick pan,a spatula
Meat free mince : 200 gr
Flour: 1 spoon
Peanut butter: 1 spoon
Olive oil as required
Bread: 1 slice
Milk: 3 spoons (if you want to prepare the vegan version, you can use coconut milk)
Rocket salad to taste
How did I do
I put the slice of bread with a spoon of milk in the bowl.
I added the rocket salad to the mince and the peanut butter. I poured the dough in the bowl, added flour, knead well and let it cool.
I formed with the hands 4 hamburgers and reheated plenty of oil in the pan.
I cooked few minutes both sides and served warm in some vegan hamburger bread (you find the recipe in the website) with sauces and veggies.
Buon appetito!