I wanted to prepare brownies but I thought about a recipe not necessarily vegan that could be good for people intolerant to lactose. So here they are: creamy and tasty brownies perfect for breakfast or snack.
Time of preparation
about 30 minutes
9 thin brownies
What did I use
a bowl, a non-stick pot, a silicon spatula or a spoon, a sheet of baking paper, a baking tray, a whisk
Cocoa powder (bitter): 40 gr
Flour: 35 gr
Vanilla extract: few drops
Sugar: 125 gr
Peanut butter: 150 gr
Water: 4 spoons
Salt as required
Baking powder: 1 teaspoon
Egg: 1
Oat milk (or other plant-based milk, such as almond milk or rice milk) : 2/3 spoons
Lactose-free hazelnut cream as required
Hazelnuts as required
How did I do
I melted the peanut butter with the water and the vanilla extract at slow fire in the pot.
In the bowl I beat eggs with sugar and added with the spatula the cocoa powder, the flour, salt, the baking powder and at the end the peanut butter. I added as much oat milk as required to have a smooth and lucid dough.
I put the dough in the baking tray covered with baking paper, spreaded it with the spatula or the spoon covering all the surface of the tray.
I cooked in the oven at 180 °C for about 20 minutes.
When they were still lukewarm, i spreaded on their surface some hazelnut cream and sprinkled with roughly cut hazelnuts.
I let it cool, cut in squares and served.
Buon appetito!