Pancakes-desire but out of eggs? Or, pancakes-desire but sugarfree diet? This is the right recipe!
Time of preparation
15 minutes
5 small pancakes
What did I use
a non-stick pot(large), a spatula, a bowl, a whisk, a spoon/ladle, paper towels
100 gr of almond milk
70 gr of white flower
15 og of honey
2/3 gr baking powder
7/8 gr vegan butter
How did I do
I melted the butter and I let it cool.
In the bowl I mixed flour and baking powder.
I poured the honey in the milk and I mixed well with a spoon until melted. I added this mixture to the bowl with the dry ingredients, little by little, by mixing with a spoon.
I added the melted butter and mixed well with the whisk, until smooth.
In the non-stick pot at medium high, I melted a little bit of vegan butter, I used the paper towel to dry it out and I poured a spoon/ladle of dough. When bubbles appeared on the surface, I flipped it over with the spatula and cooked for few dozens of seconds more.
I continued this way until I finished my dough.
I garnished with coconut yoghurt and sugarfree blueberry jam some, . I sprinkled with some cinnamon and enjoyed.
Buon appetito!