I tried a lactose-free version of a sourdough recipe I used some months ago by using vegan alternatives to the dairies. There are different ways to obtain vegan sour milk, the net is full of resources for that, and I gave it a try with a very good oat milk and some vegan butter to substitute normal butter. Vegan mozzarella on top, and it’s a perfect alternative. Of course one can make this recipe totally “normal” by using normal sour milk, butter and Mozzarella, the quantities remain the same (of course it changes a little bit the taste).
Time of preparation
30 minutes + standing
What did I use
a large bowl, a spoon, a sheet of oven paper, a baking tray, a fork
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 spoons dry yeast
3 spoons vegan butter
150 gr white vegan sour milk (I obtained it with oat milk and lemon)
1 egg
tomato sauce as required
vegan Mozzarella: 1 small
How did I do
In the bowl I mixed flour with yeast with the spoon.
I added egg and butter and start to knead.
Then added sour milk and salt and kneaded until soft and compact.
I let it stand in the fridge while the oven is reheating at 180°C in ventilate modality.
I divided the dough in two, three or four parts depending on the dimensions one wants pizzas / mini pizzas. I stretched the dough with the hand directly on the baking tray with oven paper.
I perforated the pizzas with the fork and cooked for about 10 minutes.
I dressed with tomato sauce, the Mozzarella roughly chopped, some oregano and some oil and I put again in the oven for about 5/10 minutes, until the cheese was melted and the surface was brownish.
I served hot, lukewarm or room temperature.
Buon appetito!