Pancakes-desire but out of eggs? Or, pancakes-desire but sugarfree diet? This is the right recipe! Time of preparation 15 minutes Servings 5 small pancakes What did I use a non-stick pot(large), a spatula, a bowl, a whisk, a spoon/ladle, paper
Cauliflower cream
I had frozen cauliflowers and few other ingredients at home and I had the desire of something vegan but I didn’t like the thought of eating them boiled or with rice or pasta. So I decided to try this cream.
Lactose free brownies with cocoa and peanut butter
I wanted to prepare brownies but I thought about a recipe not necessarily vegan that could be good for people intolerant to lactose. So here they are: creamy and tasty brownies perfect for breakfast or snack. Time of preparation about
Salted crepes without milk
I had some difficulties to tolerate milk derived products for a some time, so I have tried a lot of recipes for people intolerant to lactose. Here there’s a basic recipe perfect also for who simply wants a lighter alternative
Peanut butter and coffee french toast
One of the thousands alternatives to the classic french toast, creamy, buttery and packed with proteins and energy, perfect also for people who are intolerant to lactose. A good way to start the day at the max! Time of preparation