Skyr and Pandoro chilled cake

My parents sent me from Italy a Pandoro (an italian typical Christmas sweet very soft that one can order online if one wants). I let it taste to my host family and they liked it a lot, but a half of it remained and to avoid that it would expire I decided to make a cake.

Time of cooking

15 minutes + standing



What did I use

an electric whisk, a large bowl, a cutting board, a knife, two spoons


Pandoro: half

Vanilla skyr: 250 gr

Heavy cream: 125 gr

Icing vanilla sugar: a full spoon

Strawberries jam as required

Frozen berries as required

How did I do

I cut the pandoro in thin slices.

I whipped the cream with the icing sugar and mixed it to the skyr slowly.

I spreaded a spoon of cream on the bottom of the casserole. I covered it with the slices of Pandoro and spreaded on them few spoons of jam. I spreaded a layer of cream. I repeated in this order until I finished the ingredients and ending with a layer of cream.

I decorated with defrosted fruits and their juice and I put the cake in the fridge, covered with aluminium paper, at least for 3 hours before serving.

Buon appetito!

Skyr and Pandoro chilled cake

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