Wine salmon and peppers sauce

I use to invent often sauces for pasta just looking at what I have in the fridge, without organize anything. In this case I tried a combination never tried before, and I really liked the result!

Time of cooking

20 minutes



What did I use

a cutting board, a knife, a nonstick pan, a wooden spoon


Yellow pepper: 1

Smoked salmon: 100 gr

Salt/pepper as required

White wine: half a glass

Herbs, minced (marjoram, bay tree, terragon…) as required

Olive oil as required

How did I do

While the pasta was cooking, I cleaned and washed the pepper and I cut it in little cubes.

I reheated the oil in the pan and browned the onion. I added pepper and cooked at high fire for few minutes.

I added wine and lowered the fire. I cooked for about 10 minues, when necessary adding a little water from the pasta.

I added salmon, salt and pepper and herbs, raising the fire and I cooked for another minute.

When the pasta was cooked, I dried it remembering to keep a little water from the cooking and I cooked it in the sauce for a pair of minutes.

I served hot.

Buon appetito!

Wine salmon and peppers sauce

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