I had half of a celeriac in the fridge from a few and I had to use it. Knowing that it is good with apples I tried to experiment this recipe, fast and easy, and I have to say that I was super satisfied about the result!
Time of cooking
20 minutes
1 (or 2 if you serve it as a starter)
What did I use
A cutting board, a knife, a non-stick pot, a little non-stick pot, a wooden spoon, a food processor
Celerian: half
White onion: half
Fresh thyme: few twigs
Salt and pepper as required
Apple: 1
Vegetables broth as required
Olive oil as required
(Grana Padano / Parmesan: few flakes, if you want the vegetarian version and not the vegan one)
How did I do
I cleaned and minced the onion. I made a sautéed with it and some oil in the big non-stick pot.
I cleaned and cut in little cubes the celeriac. I did the same with half of the apple. I added them to the onion, covered with some broth and cooked it covered with the lid for about 15 minutes.
I added salt, pepper, thyme and put everything in the food processor.
I reheated some oil in the little pot at high fire and cooked for two minutes the remaining apple cut in thin slices, with salt, pepper and thyme.
I served the celeriac and apples cream decorating with the apple slices and the Parmesan.
Buon appetito!