Ricotta and potatoes flan with radicchio sauce

A winter starter, no waste, hot , light and tasty, perfect to use some remaining boiled potatoes that one doesn’t know how to use. Next to the flan, there’s another typical italian starter: the bruschetta.

Time of cooking

30 minutes



What did I use

A potato masher, a glass bowl, 6 aluminum muffins stamps, a wooden spoon,a nonstick pot, a blender


Already boiled potatoes: 200 gr

Ricotta: 250 gr

Eggs: 2

Egg whites: 2

Red radicchio: 1 head

Olive oil: 1 spoon

White flour: 1 spoon

Vegetables broth: 250 ml

Nutmeg, salt, pepper as required

How did I do

I reheated the oven at 180 °C.

I mashed the potatoes and put them in the bowl. I put the ricotta and mixed.

I added eggs and mounted egg whites. I added salt, pepper and nutmeg.

I put some melted butter in the aluminium moulds, I sptinkled with some minced bread and fill them with the potatoes dough.

I cooked in the oven for 20 minutes.

In the meanwhile, I prepared the radicchio sauce: I cut it in strips and cooked it with the hot oil for two minutes.

I added some flour and the broth. I added salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes.

I put it in the blender.

I served the flan with the sauce and some fresh leaves of radicchio to decorate.

Buon appetito!

Ricotta and potatoes flan with radicchio sauce

Un pensiero su “Ricotta and potatoes flan with radicchio sauce

  • Febbraio 17, 2016 alle 9:38 am

    Questa voglio farla stasera stessa! Grazie per le ricette che condividi 🙂


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