Pasta frolla

Here is the basic recipe of Pasta frolla, one of the most important recipes of the italian patisserie. It seems to be easy to make, but there are few details one needs to know for a perfect result.


500 gr of Pasta frolla


00 flour: 250 gr + as required

Butter, softened: 100 gr

Egg: 1

Yolks: 1

Minced lemon peel: 1

Sugar: 100 gr

Vanilla extract: few drops

Baking powder: 1 teaspoon

How did I do

I sprinkled the pastry board with some flour.

I kneaded roughly the butter with 250 gr of flour until I had a crumbly dough.

I added sugar, lemon’s peel and baking powder and continued to knead with fingertips.

I added egg, yolk and vanilla extract and finished to knead until I obtained a soft and smooth dough.

…being careful not to warm the dough too much! To prepare a perfect pasta frolla, the butter has to be ambient temperature and it doesn’t have to be warm. So I don’t melt it in the microwave or on the fire. If one has to use it from the fridge, it’s better to warm it few seconds in the microwave cut in little pieces so that it can soften but NOT completely melt.

I covered with wrap and let it stand in the fridge until the moment of using it.

At this moment I stretch it out with a rolling ping and I fill as I prefer, depending on how I want to use it (biscuits, mini tarts, tarts…) and I cook at 200°C until it results brown on the surface.

I serve cold, sprinkled with icing sugar or spreaded with gelatine.

Buon appetito!

Pasta frolla

Un pensiero su “Pasta frolla

  • Marzo 7, 2016 alle 8:34 am

    So già che è strabuonissima! Complimenti.. Sempre!


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