This crema pasticcera was born for mistake, because I wanted to make one with the cocoa but I realized I had finished the milk, so I used the cononut milk, using it for the first time to make a sweet
Lactose free brownies with cocoa and peanut butter
I wanted to prepare brownies but I thought about a recipe not necessarily vegan that could be good for people intolerant to lactose. So here they are: creamy and tasty brownies perfect for breakfast or snack. Time of preparation about
Salted crepes without milk
I had some difficulties to tolerate milk derived products for a some time, so I have tried a lot of recipes for people intolerant to lactose. Here there’s a basic recipe perfect also for who simply wants a lighter alternative
Pan di spagna sandwiches
Looking for a different way of using pan di Spagna? Here it is: thin little discs to fill with whatever one likes, to make yummy sweet sandwiches. In this case I have chosen the classics: Nutella and jam… the basic