Vegan easy bruschetta


Easy vegan appetizers for a brunch or before dinner to use some leftover bread, few ingredients for an easy and yummy idea.

Time of preparation

about 20 minutes


6 bruschette

What did I use

a baking tray, a spoon, a little bowl


6 slices of bread

100 gr of tomato sauce

5 gr of oil

30 gr of vegan mozzarella

oregano as required

salt to taste

How did I do

I put the slices of bread in the baking tray. I mixed the tomato sauce with the oregano, a pinch of salt and the oil. I spreaded the tomato sauce on every slice of bread.  I put the mozzarella on it.

I cooked in the oven at medium – high temperature for about 15 minutes until the vegan mozzarella melted. I served warm.

Buon appetito!

Vegan easy bruschetta

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